Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Yuletide Reflection on the Car Horn

Christmas is always a time of great reflection for me, and today is no exception. Something the other day prompted me to reflect on the time-honored tradition of honking at perfect strangers. Briefly, here is a list of messages that are appropriate to send using your horn:

"My breaks are not working and I cannot stop."

"You are about to hit my vehicle and cause me significant harm."

"This is a one-way street, we should not be facing each other."

Here are a few messages which are less appropriate to convey through honking:

"You are driving the speed limit, and I wish to exceed the speed limit."

"Your style of driving, although not illegal or dangerous, annoys me."

"The light has been green for a full second; it is my opinion that you should move."

"I am offended by your out-of-state plates and think you should leave."

Whether it is rainy, snowy, or brilliantly sunny where you are, be safe driving out there! And remember Plato's wisdom: "Be kind to others, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Much love and Merry Christmas!

PS I fly home TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


The other day I was listening to a podcast about long distance relationships, and it got me to thinking. While obviously GG and I are in a long-distance relationship, spanning across a few states, I've realized that suddenly all my relationships are long-distance. Family and friends, who were once only a few minutes' drive away are suddenly hundreds of miles away. My primary medium of communication is phone conversation rather than face-to-face. It's been hard on me to be so far away from the people I love, although I have noticed that it has inspired me to be more intentional about my communication.

On the podcast, one of the questions asked was how to keep a relationship alive when you are apart. Here are my tips:

1) Phone calls. Some of my best conversations recently have been spirited phone discussions with close friends! Of course I wish such conversations could be over lunch, but nonetheless it is wonderful to get updates on friends' lives if I can't be there to experience it with them.

2) Skype. Again, although it is a pale substitute, it is still wonderful to be able to interact visually with friends. Two notable recent Skype dates included a Thanksgiving call to all the family gathered at my (parents') house; and the other night when a friend and I each prepared dinner while video-chatting with each other. It was so pleasant to get to cook and chat together. :)

3) Text messages and picture messages. I love being able to update a friend with a text or a picture of something fun I am experiencing, or something that makes me think of him or her. It is just as exciting receiving such a text from a friend or family member :)

4) Letters. I have always loved letter-writing, and since moving I have made a point of trying to write a letter a day. I haven't been great about achieving this daily goal, but I have been able to send at least a letter or two a week. I have really enjoyed making each letter unique by decorating it with crayon drawings; I have also made friends with the postal workers at the downtown Post Office. I am in there 2-3 times a month, mailing small packages and picking out my favorite stamps. I also love receiving letters (wink wink); as it was in college, checking my mailbox makes or breaks a day. :)

Anyway, just a reminder that all relationships take work and effort, and that while relationships change with distance, the effort is always worth it.

Much love to you all! I miss you and I hope to see you--yes, you, reading this!--very soon!
